A DAY OF PRAYER in Southern California on 7/9/11
Face Book Event Page: www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=218285658205396
Blog: www.CA4Jesus.blogspot.com Email: CA4Jesus@gmail.com
"Together in the Valley for Prayer & Revival"
Honoring the Mighty Move of God Among Hispanics for LIFE
in Jesus’ Golden State & Launching Prayer Teams into Hollywood
Saturday Morning, 7/9/11, 8m-1pm
@ Houses of Light Church, 19408 Londelius St., Northridge, CA 91324
(From 101 Fwy: Exit at Tampa Ave; Drive north on Tampa Ave for 3.9 miles;
Turn left on Londelius St & look for Houses of Light on your left.)
The entire morning gathering will be in both Spanish & English. Senior Pastor Netz Gomez will serve as the Spanish speaking emcee & Dai Sup Han will serve the English speaking emcee.
An Approximate Schedule:
Doors Open (8:00am)
Registration, Fellowship, Heart-to-Heart Connection, Visit Info/Book Tables in the Lobby (8:00am-8:30am)
Optional Prayer for the Evening in a Separate Room (8:15am-8:30am)
Welcome by Dai Sup Han, www.prayersurgenow.blogspot.com & www.CA4Jesus.blogspot.com; Opening Prayers by Pastors Netz Gomez, www.housesoflight.net & www.avivamovement.com, David Andrade, www.rosebowlgathering.info, Mike Kingsley, www.onlyprayeramerica.com (8:30am-8:45am)
Worship Led by Houses of Light Team – 3 Songs (8:45am-9:00am)
A Video Message by Lou Engle, www.thecall.com; An Overview of A DAY OF PRAYER including "Listening Hollywood Prayer Walk" & "Together in Hollywood for Prayer & Revival" with Sid Roth (9:00am-9:10am)
Message: "A Call to John 17:20-23 Unity in California" by Pastor Jim Wilson, www.praynorthstate.org (9:10am-9:30am)
*Ron Archer, www.reconcile.org, to introduce & pray for Pastor Jim
Message: "Affirming & Confirming the Work of the Holy Spirit in the Hispanic Church" by Pastor Netz Gomez (9:30am-10:00am)
*Pastor Lorraine Coconato, www.lohtabernacle.com to introduce & pray for Pastor Netz & invite the Body to the Rose Bowl on 11/11/11
Open prayer of praises & thanksgiving; Love Offering for Aviva Movement (10:00am-10:20am)
Intercessory ministry to the men led by Bill Landers, Men for Nations West, www.menfornations.org (10:20am-10:40am)
Intercessory ministry to those who have been affected by abortion led by Kelly Hill, Operation Outcry, www.operationoutcry.org (10:40am-11:00am)
Message: "Calling the Body of Christ to Bless Jesus' Golden State" by Pastor Henry Falany, Author of "God, Gold & Glory," www.mariposarevivalcenter.com (11:00am-11:30am)
*Pastor Gaylord Enns, www.gaylordenns.com to introduce & pray for Pastor Henry
Instructions for “Listening Hollywood Prayer Walk” & Commissioning by Pastor Doug Levy, Ascend Malibu Fellowship (11:30am-12:00pm)
Worship Led by Houses of Light Team – 3 Songs (12:00pm-12:20pm)
Fellowship; Visit Book & Ministry Tables; From the Valley to “Listening Hollywood Prayer Walk,” Drive to Hollywood Prayer Network, 1763 N. Gower St., Hollywood, CA 90028 (12:20pm-1:00pm)
Close Houses of Light (1:00pm)
"Listening Hollywood Prayer Walk"
Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening (1 Samuel 3:9)
Tuning into God’s Heart for the People of Hollywood
Saturday Afternoon, 7/11/11, 2pm-4pm
Begin @ Hollywood Prayer Network, 1763 N. Gower St, Hollywood, CA 90028
(From 101 Freeway: Exit at Gower St; Drive 2 blocks south on Gower St;
Look for Hollywood Prayer Network office building on your right:
Park in La Baig Lot east of Hollywood Presbyterian Church)
From Our Friends at Hollywood Prayer Network:
PLEASE JOIN US for a PRAYER WALK this Saturday, July 9th from 2:00 - 4:00pm in Hollywood. Ecclesia, HPN and Californians for Jesus have partnered to host a prayer walk around Hollywood. We're planning on hundreds of people to break into small groups and walk to 50 different locations in Hollywood and pray as a group for that location and those people. We'll be walking all over the city of Hollywood for two hours and then gathering at Ecclesia to have a time of reflection on the day, prayer and worship and encouragement for some of the leaders. There's no need to RSVP. Just Come.
1:30pm - Arrive at Hollywood Presbyterian Church (FPCH is at 1760 N. Gower St., Hollywood, CA 90028) and park in the La Baig lot east of the church. (Turn East on Carlos and then North on La Baig and make an immediate right into the lot.) Then walk West on Carlos and cross Gower to meet at the HPN offices in the parking lot at 1763 No. Gower. All prayer walkers gather in the parking lot of HPN to get your map and be assigned to a prayer group (of 5-10 people).
2:00 - 4:00pm - The teams go out to walk. Some may want to drive to their locations, depending on how far they are or how much they want to walk.
5:00pm - Meet back at Ecclesia for the corporate gathering at 6433 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood. (Please feel free to leave your cars in the FPCH parking lot and walk to Ecclesia. The lot will stay open until 10:00pm)
5:00 - 9:00pm - Corporate prayer, worship, testimonies and a message of what God is doing in Hollywood.
Bring your friends and know that anyone is welcome. If you have any questions, please email us at Caren@hpnemail.org or call (323)462-8486 ext. 106.
"Together in Hollywood for Prayer & Revival"
Californians Together for Jesus’ Love Revolution in Hollywood & Beyond
Saturday Evening, 7/9/11, 5pm-9pm
@ Ecclesia Church, 6425 Hollywood Bl., Hollywood, CA 90028
(From Hollywood Prayer Network on 1763 N. Gower St: Walk 1 block south to Hollywood Blvd;
Turn right on Hollywood Blvd; Walk 5 blocks & look for “Hollywood Pacific Theatre” tower)
An Approximate Schedule:
Doors Open (at 5:00)
Registration, Fellowship, Heart-to-Heart Connection, Visit Info/Book Tables in the Lobby (5:00-5:25)
Optional Prayer for the Evening in a Separate Room (5:10-5:25)
Welcome by Pastor Scott Nassau, Opening Prayer by Dion Ramos & Worship Led by Ecclesia Team, www.churchinhollywood.com - 2 Songs (5:30-5:45)
Testimonies of & Prayers from some who participated in "Listening Hollywood Prayer Walk (5:45-6:00)
Message: "The Father’s Heart Towards Hollywood" by Karen Covell, www.hollywoodprayernetwork.org (6:00-6:25)
*Melissa Smith, www.epiphanyspace.com, to introduce & pray for Karen
Prayers for Brothers & Sisters Serving in the Entertainment Industry & Ministering in Hollywood; Wolfgang Kovacek, www.hollywoodalive.com & www.praycalifornia.org, to close in prayer (6:25-6:50)
Worship Led by Ecclesia Team - 2 songs; Collect Love Offering for Ecclesia (6:50-7:00)
Message: "The Ministry of Jesus" by Sid Roth, www.sidroth.org (7:00-7:40)
*Doug Davis, www.sacredassemblies.com, to pray for Sid
Ministry & Prayer in Response to Sid's Message (7:40-8:00)
Message: "Jesus' Love Revolution in Hollywood & Beyond" by Pastor Gaylord Enns, www.gaylordenns.com (8:00-8:25)
*Pastor Jonathan Ngai, www.radianceinternational.org, to pray for Gaylord
Worship Led by Ecclesia & Closing Prayer by Pastor Scott Nassau - "Commissioning Towards Hollywood Transformation" (8:25-8:30)
Fellowship, Heart-to-Heart Connection, Visit Info/Book Tables in the Lobby, Close Building (8:30-9:00)
Growing Number of Leaders & Ministries Together
for 7.9.11 A DAY OF PRAYER in Southern California
(listed in alphabetical order by leaders’ last names)
Pastor David Andrade, The Ca Listening Team & LIFT California, www.rosebowlgathering.info
Ron Archer, International Reconciliation Coalition, www.reconcile.org
Rabbi Ron Arnow, Ends of the Earth Prayer Towers, www.globalprayertowers.com
Pastor Manny Chata, Hometown Mission International, www.worldforjesus.com
Pastor Lorraine Coconato, Leaves of Healing Tabernacle, www.lohtabernacle.com
Karen Covell, Hollywood Prayer Network, www.hollywoodprayernetwork.org
Doug Davis, Regional Sacred Assemblies, www.sacredassemblies.com
Lou Engle, The Call, www.thecall.com
Pastor Gaylord Enns, Author of “Love Revolution,” www.gaylordenns.com
Marta Rios Escarcega, 7 Mountains W.I.N., www.7mwin.org
& Fresno H.O.P.E, www.fresnohope.net
Pastor Henry & Grace Falany, Author of “God, Gold & Glory,” www.mariposarevivalcenter.com
Pastor Netz Gomez, Houses of Light, www.housesoflight.net
& Aviva Movement, www.avivamovement.com
Dai Sup Han, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.blogspot.com
& Californians for JESUS, www.CA4Jesus.blogspot.com
Pastor Nori Hanaoka, King’s Way Community Church, www.kwcclomita.org
Kelly Hill, Operation Outcry, www.operationoutcry.org
Ugandan Pastor Mike Kingsley, Only Prayer America, www.onlyprayeramerica.com
Wolfgang Kovacek, Hollywood Alive!, www.hollywoodalive.com
& Pray California, www.praycalifornia.org
Bill Landers, Men for Nations West, www.menfornations.org
Pastor Doug Levy, Ascend Malibu Fellowship
Pastor Pamela Michelina, Grace Harvest Church, www.graceharvestchurch.com
Kerry Morrison & Dion Ramos, Ecclesia Church, www.churchinhollywood.com
Pastor Scott Nassau, Ecclesia Church, www.churchinhollywood.com
Pastor Jonathan Ngai, Radiance International, www.radianceinternational.org
Vicki Nohrden, California’s Reformation Prayer Network, www.rpnca.org
Allan Parker, The Justice Foundation, www.thejusticefoundation.org
Larry Poland, Master Media, www.mastermediaintl.org
Pastor Dennis & Denise Ponce, United Him in Motorcycle Ministry, www.unitedinhimmotorcycleministry.org
Sid Roth, Sid Roth Ministries, www.sidroth.org
Melissa Gibson Smith, Epiphany Space, www.epiphanyspace.com
Pastor Jim Wilson, Pray North State, www.praynorthstate.org