Californians for JESUS (CA4Jesus) - Californians walking in JESUS' COMMANDMENT by loving one another as He loves us and TOGETHER TRANSFORMING JESUS' Golden State ~ John 13:33-34 & 17:20-26. Contact:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thank You! & Please Save March 9-10, 2011

Dear Pastors, Ministry Leaders & Intercessors:

Carl Mosebach and I thank you for your prayers for, promotion of and/or participation in April 1-2 "Californians Together & Serving Our Schools," a conference that took place in Sacramento State Capitol and Freedom Hall of Martin Luther King, Junior Technology Academy, a local inner city junior high school.

Our time of worship, communion & prayer inside the Capitol Building reflected the Spirit's work of the Bride of Christ choosing to walk in John 17:20-23. The testimonies of inspirational ministries in several public school districts gave us great hope and encouragement for the children and youth of Jesus' Golden State. Together, we can and must listen to Jesus' heart message of blessing and warning in Mark 10:13-16.

In the coming days, we will try to send you a detailed summary of last weekend's conference. Would you mark you calendar for 2012 "Californians Together & Serving Our Schools" scheduled for March 9-10? We hope to see in Sacramento next year.

Together in Christ,
Dai Sup Han