Today, Thursday, 1/15/09 is the 80th Anniversary of the birth of Dr. King.
You are invited to the following prayer opportunities:
Sat., 1/17 (4:30-7am Pacific) Prayer Surge NOW! Joint Prayer Meeting Across America for Revival in the Middle East & America. We will continue to intercede for the Middle East and join our hearts to prepare for the incoming Obama Administration. Our speakers will include (in order): Tom Smith, Operation Prayer Surge Prayer Points; Alice Patterson, Justice at the Gate; Fred Berry, Azusa Street Mission; and Susan Landry, San Francisco Bay Area Intercessor/Networker. Please contact for the conf. call & access numbers.
Tue., 1/20 (5:30-7am Pacific) Prayer Surge NOW! Special Inauguration Day National Conference Call Prayer & Scripture Reading. Please begin your Inauguration Day will praying for Barack Obama & his administration. We will also welcome selected scripture reading for our 44th President. Please contact for the conf. call & access numbers.
Tue., 1/20 (7-9pm Pacific) A Special Prayer Gathering with San Francisco House of Prayer for All Nations. Please read the following invitation from Michael Dowling, SFHOPFAN:
Inauguration Day
Tuesday January 20th
7pm - 9pm
Promised Land Fellowship
1663 Market Street, SF 94103
What a wonderful privilege that we share living in the USA with
a non violent transfer of power that will take place on January 2009.
"Let is be so Lord!"
At that time President George W. Bush
will cede the Office of President to Barack H. Obama.
George Bush's picture will come off of my office wall & Barack Obama's will take its place, reminding me daily to pray for our President.
The Presidential Prayer Committee will be sending prayer points
to many prayer ministries in order to support our new president in prayer.
We will begin Tuesday evening, Inauguration Day, January 20th
Prayer points will include the personal safety of our new president & his family,
and for a smooth power transition.
Though there are racism issues
+ fear & uncertainty regarding political positions,
We know this:
Believers are to
"Pray for those in authority over you,
so that you can live a peaceful and quiet life"
1Tim. 2:1-2
How we pray for our new president is important:
- Pray that he has encounters with Jesus,
- Pray that he will receive divine wisdom as he conducts the business of Chief Executive & Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces.
- Pray for divine protection from any and all death plots.
John & Robert Kennedy & Martin Luther Kings' assassinations
helped fuel 40 years of rebellion against authority in our nation.
"Hope deferred causes the heart to become sick" Proverbs 13:12
Though there is great darkness in our land,
We do know this, Believers
"If my people who are called by My name
will humble themselves, and pray
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin
And heal their land."
2 Chron. 7:14
Believers can change history!
Come join us Tuesday night Jan 2oth
Be a history maker